Spondilitis means that the space between two vertebrae of your neck has reduced. As a result the nerve gets pressed and you feel giddy. …
* Ankylosing spondilitis :- This therapy is the most effective in the Ankylosing spondilitis. Ankylosing spondilitis is a chronic condition in which the spine becomes rigid due to fibrous growth around the spine and also called “BambooSpine”.The breakage of spinal fibers are perhaps only effective treatment that too doesn’t work in most of the cases . The application of this therapy or medicine on the effected part of the spine ,by rectifying the damaged DNA works like a magic . The mobility returns . The spine moves freely and the pain vanished in thin air . What a relief to persons who has been having agony, pain and restricted movement it gets cured within a few minutes ,can you believe it most of you won’t, till you experience it yourself!

* Slipped disc:-
Slipped disc is a common problem. It occurs while lifting something ,not necessarily heaveyones. This results in pain and restricted movement in the spine. The spinal cords may be pressed and this may result in motor and sensory problem in the lower limbs and the neurological signs like increased tendon reflexes and up going plantar may occur , the MRI of spinal vividly show the effect of the pressure on the cord . The person suffering from the slipped disc may be find this medicine very handy ,effective and safe . The disease i.e. slipped disc has the reputation of getting a good relief within a minutes and few cases the ‘cure’ has resulted within a few hours.

Posterolateral Prolapse with Compression of issuing Nerve
Much less common central prolapse with impingement upon the spinal cord
Frozen shoulder:-
The frozen shoulder is an autoimmune pericapsulitis of the shoulder joint. It leads to severe pain and restriction in movements. The disease becomes chronic in sense that it may take 9 months-2 years to get relief . It is not unusual for the other shoulder to become effected later . The new therapy cures the frozen shoulder within two to three applications. a large number of patients have derived benefit and relief from this therapy . Results is astonishing and benefits miraculous are unimaginable !

Scoliosis :-
Few cases of the scoliosis have also been cured through this system . The medicines are tried on the patient five to six doses of therapy the result is miraculous . The Serpentine bends of the backbone becomes too straight after the treatment with this innovative therapy that one has to believe in the miracles of this treatment .
This medicine or therapy is the most effective treatment for the cases of spondilitis .A degenerative changes occur in the spine causes the spondilitis of portion of the spine. This type of therapy has been tried ,cure cate amount to almost . Thousands of patients suffering from spondilitis have been cured till date.