
Neuritis is the general inflammation of the peripheral nervous system.
1. Symptoms
2. Causes


Symptoms depend on the nerves involved, but may include pain, paresthesia, paresis, hypoesthesia (numbness), anesthesia, paralysis, wasting, and disappearance of the reflexes.


  • * Infection:
    o Herpes simplex
    o Shingles
    o Leprosy
    o Guillain-Barre syndrome
    * Chemical injury
    * Physical injury
    * Radiation
    * Underlying conditions causing localized neuritis (affecting a single nerve):
    O Diphtheria
    O Localized injury
    O Diabetes
  • * Underlying conditions causing polyneuritis (affecting multiple nerves):
    O Beriberi
    O Vitamin B12 deficiency
    O Metabolic diseases
    O Diabetes
    O Hypothyroidism
    O Porphyria
    O Infections, bacterial and/or viral
    O Autoimmune disease, especially Multiple Sclerosis
    O Cancer
    O Alcoholism
    O Wartenbergs migratory sensory neuropathy